5 Ways To Sustain Your Coloured Concrete Driveway

If you’ve invested in coloured concrete for your driveway then chances are, you’ll want it to last for as long as possible. The allure of a coloured concrete driveway is in the name, the colour. This is why you’ll want your colours to stay as vibrant as possible for as long as possible and that’s only going to happen if you put in the time to maintain your driveway. Luckily for you, our experienced contractors have put together some easy-to-follow tips on how you can maintain your coloured concrete driveway and keep its charm going for years.


1.    Wash regularly

It is crucial you wash your driveway regularly. The first thing you should do however, is sweep it to make sure any leaves or stones are taken away first. It is much easier to deal with dry leaves than it is with wet ones. We suggest a pressure hose to remove any stains – such as grease or oil – or dirt that has become lodged in the driveway. If your driveway is sealed – which it should be – then you won’t have to worry about the high-pressure water damaging it at all. Combining every day cleaning chemicals will improve the effectiveness of the wash as well if you find the stains are not coming out initially.


2.    Re-sealing

Generally, concrete sealant lasts for around two years. This, however, depends on multiple factors such as weather and the amount of general wear the driveway sustains from being used. Before a driveway is re-sealed, it must be cleaned thoroughly and then left to dry for 48-hours. Don’t forget to check the weather forecast in advance to ensure no rough weather is in store during the drying period. Apply sealant to the seams and edges of the concrete first with a brush before using a roller to apply it to the rest of your driveway.

Make sure you cover the entire driveway with two thin coats as you don’t want to any thick patches or build-ups in small areas of the driveway. After this is complete you should let it dry and avoid contact with the driveway for a minimum of two days again. Re-sealing your driveway is something that you can do yourself, but it is advised to let a professional do so to guarantee maximum efficiency.


3.    Avoid using harmful chemicals

There are particular chemicals that you should not use on your coloured concrete driveway because of the harmful effects they can have. De-icing chemicals, for example, are types that you should stay away from, especially during colder weather. De-icing chemicals such as magnesium chloride and potassium acetate will cause scaling and spalling within your concrete. The last thing you want in your driveway is small cracks to start forming below the surface as that can lead to further destabilisation of the formation.

Other dangerous chemicals to keep an eye out for are ammonium nitrates and sulphates as they will disrupt the concrete on a chemical level causing serious damage. The good news is that these chemicals are not commonly found in your average cleaning products but be sure to double check the ingredients just in case.


4.    Prevention tips

If you’re looking at planting a tree or plant, then you should make sure it is a decent distance from your driveway. A minimum of three metres should do. This is because some plants and trees will grow horizontally underneath the soil and could spread to your driveway, leading to damage. If you compelled to plant one of the above in close proximity to your driveway then consider looking into plants whose roots do not spread underground.


5.    Take care of your driveway

Your driveway is outside. It braves the harsh and sometimes sporadic weather conditions as well as being driven on constantly. With all the things that it’s made to endure in mind, try to avoid adding to the list of things that it must go through. Sometimes there are circumstances where this is unavoidable, but if you’re conscious about it then it will help maintain the longevity of your coloured concrete driveway.

If you’re using heavy tools in the garden or around the driveway then try to avoid making contact with the concretes surface. A shovel or pair of large garden scissors scraping against the driveway’s surface will not only damage it cosmetically but also the sealant as well.


Looking for a coloured concrete driveway?

A Better Driveway is your local source for all your coloured concrete driveway needs. Our experienced and fully qualified contractors will work with you to achieve your ideal driveway as well as offer advice and answer any questions you may have.


If you would like to get in contact with us to discuss any of our services, then please give us a call on 0412 537 776 or contact us through our website here.


We’d love to welcome you home to A Better Driveway – Driveway Melbourne
For general information or to arrange a consultation, please contact us on the below details:

Tel: 0412 537 776
Address: Unit 2, 21 Halley Cres, Campbellfield Victoria 3061 Australia